
27 May 2016

Our wonderful group on the last day. Tears and hugs the order of the day.

The May 2016 Lecce Italian Language Experience is over and once again it was a fantastic trip that passed all too quickly. You can share some of the fun we had by going to the  Learn Italian in Lecce Facebook  page.

The good news is that there is still time to join us on the September 2016 Lecce Italian Language Experience - still from only $AUD5530 twin share including airfares.

May highlights included:
  • A night at the opera to see a performance of Pucini's la Boheme
  • A picturesque and leisurely May Day bike ride through Grecia Salentina
  • Italian language classes at the School of Italian for Foreigners
  • Cooking classes with Gianna Greco of Cooking Experience Lecce
  • Day trips to historic Galatina and Otranto
  • Train ride to Bari to experience La Festa di San Nicola.
  • Lots of music and theatre
  • And a wonderful night at La Festa della Coltura in Parabita.
Call Max Najar now at Axis Travel on +61 8 84331133 or email to book and reserve your place for September.

Not in Australia? Great deals for this trip are available wherever you are. Contact Max Najar at Axis Travel to find out more (see details above).

More information: The Sept 2016 Lecce Italian Language Experience

Email me now to find out more.

A presto

Raffaele Tardivo
Phone +61 403911494

Sept 2016 Lecce Italian Language Experience
Learn Italian in Lecce Facebook page
School of Italian for Foreigners Lecce (SIS Lecce)
The Lecce Italian Language Experience - The Movie